

Grades Given During Pre-Clerkship Science Blocks and Courses

Pass All competencies demonstrated at least a satisfactory level of performance, no significant portion of the performance has been below the minimum level of competency.
Fail At least one competency was not demonstrated at a satisfactory level of performance. Remediation or repetition of coursework is required.

Grades Given During Clinical Clerkships and Electives

Honors The student has performed consistently in a manner judged as truly outstanding. The performance is worthy as a model.
High Pass The student has performed consistently in a manner judged to be clearly above average competency. The performance may occasionally be exemplary but not consistently so.
Pass The student has performed consistently in a manner judged to be at or above the minimum level of competency. The performance may occasionally be superior, but not consistently so. No significant portion of the performance has been below the minimum level of competency.
Fail The student has performed in a manner judged as marginal in relation to the minimal level of competency. In some aspects, performance may have been above the minimum level, but in other aspects, or at other times, performance has been below the minimum level. The student has not demonstrated adequate mastery of the pertinent competency. Remediation or repetition of coursework is required.

No GPA will be calculated/reported.

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