Population Health Sciences

Live Healthier, Longer, and Better

With Nova Southeastern University’s considerable investments in health education, health care, and biomedical research, the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) has established the Department of Population Health Sciences in collaboration with key community partners.

Featured Research

The Florida Blue Foundation awarded the Department of Population Health Sciences at NSU MD a four-year grant to improve awareness and prevention of opioid and substance abuse in at-risk youth in South Florida.

NSU MD Opioid Initiative

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The Department of Population Health connects community physicians with academic medicine to catalyze innovation and generate new and easier solutions for patients to get healthy and stay healthy.

Dr. Chad Perlyn, M.D., Ph.D., MBA | Dean, NSU MD

Researcher working in lab

Improving Population Health and Preventing Disease

The Department’s mission is to advance human health, from scientific discovery to public impact, by improving population health and preventing disease. We serve as a hub of excellence in education, investigation, health disparities, and health delivery systems research. Our research areas include the health and well-being of large groups of individuals, with academic priority placed on aging, cancer, health equity, chronic diseases, mental and behavioral health, and substance and opioid abuse.

Harness Population Health Data for Improved Outcomes

We serve as the central population health data and analytics resource for NSU, the region of South Florida, and the nation. This digital ecosystem is the key to productive, innovative data sciences aimed at addressing the grand challenges in population health. Faculty and students leverage the digital ecosystem to generate key findings to develop new pathways of care that improve health outcomes in diverse communities nationally and internationally.

Stethoscope and mask with population health data chart