Dr. Kiran C. Patel

Class Oath

Creating Student Engagement and Accountability

Nova Southeastern University's Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) believes that the responsibility of fostering and maintaining the standards of professionalism, trust, honesty, and integrity that are vital to the success of any medical student and future practitioner should lie with the students themselves.

To that aim, we entrusted the students in our charter class to develop, adopt, and maintain an oath that exemplifies all of the standards of the medical profession, along with the values of NSU and NSU MD. The goal is to create an active community of student engagement and accountability for NSU MD students that will shape not only their medical education experience, but influence the arc of their careers for many years to come.

Class Oath for Graduating Class of 2024

  • We will strive to create an inclusive environment of empathy, cultural competency, and self-awareness, upholding the humanistic ideals fundamental to the art of medicine.
  • We honor the unique qualities and respect the autonomy of our fellow students, future members of our team, and our future patients.
  • We promise to build trusting and compassionate relationships with our patients, appreciating their personal background while treating them holistically.
  • We vow to hold ourselves, our peers, and the governing bodies of our country to the highest level of accountability. 
  • We will act justly, in the best interests of our patients in every arena and treat them as individuals.
  • We will strive toward the highest good through employing the primal aspects of beneficence and nonmaleficence.
  • We will acknowledge the interprofessional nature of the medical field and work to empower the patient and our team. 
  • We value communication, collaboration, and the significance of feedback from patients, fellow physicians, and team members in order to provide the most prudently considered treatments.
  • We pledge to become lifelong learners who are dedicated to maintaining synchronism with our ever-evolving field and community. 
  • While our workday may end, we understand that our lives are interwoven with the lives of our patients.
  • We will ensure that we are in the best state of body and mind so that we may provide the highest standard of care possible.
  • We vow to humbly, but proudly, battle the inescapable uncertainties and failures associated with our chosen profession by ceaselessly striving towards personal and professional growth.

- Class of 2024