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Our Faculty and Staff

Robert Smith, Ph.D.

Robert Smith, Ph.D.


Associate Professor/Research Scientist


NSU Cell Therapy Institute


Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine

Robert Smith’s research focuses on using synthetic biology to develop tools or theories designed to prevent biological invasion. As a mentor to honors thesis students, he welcomes highly focused and energetic students to join the lab for thesis projects.

  • HONR 4990 Independent Study: Honors Thesis Research

  • Mentors honors thesis students
  • Provides guest lectures in honors seminars

  • Synthetic Biology to Study Ecological and Evolutionary Dynamics
  • Synthetic Biology to Design Tools to Prevent Invasion
  • Systems Biology to Understand Antibiotic Resistance

  • Post-Doctoral Associate, Duke University
  • Ph.D., Carleton University